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Improving Scientific Advice to Government


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Congress and federal policymakers draw on independent expert panels for scientific and technical advice in addressing some of society's most controversial and economically significant issues. It is imperative that these panels operate in the most productive manner possible. Yet recent "reforms" intended to increase the panels' transparency and reduce the potential for bias and conflict of interest may be weakening the advisory process. Concern centers particularly on two of the most important sources of advice: the National Research Council (NRC), which is part of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), and the Science Advisory Board (SAB), which serves the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Both the NAS and SAB create panels to develop consensus opinions on some of the most controversial scientific topics of our time, testing science's predictive tools and directly affecting the outcome of federal policies involving billions of dollars in private and public outlays. Interest groups acknowledge the crucial influence of the panels by focusing considerable resources on how NAS and SAB panels are populated and managed.
机译:国会和联邦政策制定者可以利用独立专家小组提供科学和技术建议,以解决一些社会上最具争议性和经济意义的问题。这些面板必须以最高效的方式运行。然而,最近旨在提高专家组透明度,减少偏见和利益冲突可能性的“改革”可能会削弱咨询程序。关注点尤其集中在两个最重要的建议来源上:美国国家科学院(NAS)所属的国家研究委员会(NRC)和为环境保护局服务的科学顾问委员会(SAB)( EPA)。 NAS和SAB都成立了小组,以就当今时代一些最具争议的科学话题达成共识,测试科学的预测工具,并直接影响涉及数十亿美元私人和公共支出的联邦政策的成果。利益集团通过将大量资源集中于NAS和SAB面板的填充和管理方式来认可这些面板的关键影响。



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