首页> 外文期刊>International Urogynecology Journal >Late urethral erosion of transobturator suburethral mesh (Obtape®): a minimally invasive management under local anaesthesia

Late urethral erosion of transobturator suburethral mesh (Obtape®): a minimally invasive management under local anaesthesia

机译:经闭孔尿道下网孔的晚期尿道糜烂(Obtape ®):局部麻醉下的微创治疗

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The placement of transobturator sub-urethral synthetic tapes, although with a high success rate of achieving continence, carries the risk of tape erosion to adjacent structures. While vaginal erosion occurs more frequently, urethral erosion has also been reported, usually in the immediate or early postoperative period. We present two different cases of urethral erosion with the Obtape® sling, the first one diagnosed 1 year after surgery and the second one, a very late complication, occurring 4 years after the placement of the sling. Although transvaginal urethrotomy with tape resection has been the most popular approach described in the literature, we describe a minimally invasive trans-urethral approach for the management of this complication under local anaesthesia. We also present some “tricks of the trade” on retrieving the tape trans-urethrally while maximizing the length of tape removed.
机译:经闭孔尿道下人工合成带的放置,虽然获得节制的成功率很高,但仍存在带被邻近结构侵蚀的风险。虽然阴道糜烂发生的频率更高,但也有尿道糜烂的报道,通常发生在术后即刻或早期。我们介绍了两种不同的Obtape ®吊带引起的尿道糜烂的情况,第一例在手术后1年被诊断出,第二例在并发症发生后很晚,发生在放置了悬带4年后。虽然经阴道尿道切开带切开术已成为文献中最受欢迎的方法,但我们描述了在局部麻醉下采用微创经尿道切开术治疗该并发症的方法。我们还介绍了一些在通过尿道取回磁带的同时最大程度地去除磁带长度的“技巧”。



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