首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness, and Knowledge-based Systems >Paraconsistent Reasoning in Cops and Robber Game with Uncertain Information: A Simulation-Based Analysis

Paraconsistent Reasoning in Cops and Robber Game with Uncertain Information: A Simulation-Based Analysis


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We apply a non-classical four-valued logic in the process of reasoning regarding strategies for cops in a modified game of "Cops and Robber" played on a graph. We extend the game by introducing uncertainty in a form of random failures of detecting devices. This is realized by allowing that a robber can be detected in a node only with the given probability P-A. Additionally, with the probability P-F, cops can be given a false-positive, i.e., they are informed that the robber is located at some node, whereas it is located somewhere else. Consequently, non-zero P-F introduces a measurement noise into the system. All the cops have access to information provided by the detectors and can communicate with each other, so they can coordinate the search. By adjusting the number of detectors,P-A, and P-F we can achieve a smooth transition between the two well-known variants of the game: "with fully visible robber" and "with invisible robber". We compare a simple probabilistic strategy for cops with the non-parametric strategy based on reasoning with a four-valued paraconsistent logic. It is shown that this novel approach leads to a good performance, as measured by the required mean catch-time. We conclude that this type of reasoning can be applied in real-world applications where there is no knowledge about the underlying source of errors which is particularly useful in robotics.
机译:我们在图的“ Cops and Robber”修改游戏中,在关于警察策略的推理过程中应用了非经典四值逻辑。我们通过以检测设备的随机故障形式引入不确定性来扩展游戏范围。这是通过允许仅以给定的概率P-A可以在节点中检测到强盗来实现的。另外,以概率P-F,警察可以被赋予假阳性,即,他们被告知强盗位于某个节点,而强盗位于其他节点。因此,非零P-F将测量噪声引入系统。所有警察都可以访问探测器提供的信息,并且可以彼此通信,因此他们可以协调搜索。通过调整探测器P-A和P-F的数量,我们可以在游戏的两个众所周知的变体之间实现平稳过渡:“具有完全可见的强盗”和“具有不可见的强盗”。我们将警察的简单概率策略与基于四值超常逻辑推理的非参数策略进行了比较。结果表明,通过所需的平均捕获时间来衡量,这种新颖的方法可以带来良好的性能。我们得出的结论是,这种类型的推理可以应用在不了解错误的潜在来源的现实应用中,这在机器人技术中特别有用。



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