首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Tourism Research >Investigating attraction compatibility in an East Texas city

Investigating attraction compatibility in an East Texas city


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The study was undertaken in Tyler, Texas, a city of 83 000 population in which the primary tourism attraction is the Caldwell Zoo. The focus was on the compatibility of ancillary attractions to the zoo and their role in adding to the city's cumulative attraction. A sample of 1559 zoo visitors were surveyed. The results revealed that (i) there was a high degree of compatibility between the zoo and other attractions within the city; (ii) tourism spending by those travelling more than 60 miles was significantly higher than those travelling fewer than 60 miles; (iii) expenditures increased as the number of additional attractions visited increased, but started to decrease when the number of attractions totalled to five or more; and (iv) the number of additional attractions visited decreased as the distance travelled increased.
机译:该研究在得克萨斯州泰勒市进行,该市人口83000,其中主要的旅游景点是考德威尔动物园。重点是附属景点与动物园的兼容性以及它们在增加城市累积景点中的作用。对1559名动物园游客进行了抽样调查。结果表明:(i)动物园与城市中其他景点之间具有高度的兼容性; (ii)行驶超过60英里的人的旅游支出明显高于旅行少于60英里的人; (iii)支出随着参观的更多景点的增加而增加,但当景点总数达到五个或更多时开始减少; (iv)随着旅行距离的增加,参观的其他景点数量也减少了。



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