首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Project Management >The process of social alignment and misalignment within a complex IT project

The process of social alignment and misalignment within a complex IT project


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Project management is more efficient and effective when project stakeholders are socially aligned on what the project objectives are and how they should be achieved. This outcome occurs because social alignment reduces the friction amongst stakeholders each time a project management decision is made. Yet, how social alignment develops or dissolves over time in a complex project is unknown. This research develops a dynamic model of social alignment and misalignment, and it identifies some of the project controls that appear to affect their development. Drawing on interview and observational data from 17 respondents involved in a complex health-IT project over a two-year period, we show that social alignment and misalignment involve eight stages separation, disrespect, lack of cross-discipline participation and social misalignment through to learning, respect, cross-discipline participation and ultimately, social alignment. The research has implications for how researchers theorize social alignment in complex projects and how practitioners can facilitate its development. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd, APM and IPMA. All rights reserved.
机译:当项目利益相关者就项目目标是什么以及应该如何实现目标达成社会共识时,项目管理将变得更加高效。之所以会出现这种结果,是因为每次进行项目管理决策时,社会统一都会减少利益相关者之间的摩擦。然而,在一个复杂的项目中,随着时间的流逝,社会一致性如何发展或消散是未知的。这项研究建立了一个社会统一和错位的动态模型,并确定了一些似乎影响其发展的项目控制。根据两年来参与复杂的IT计划的17名受访者的访谈和观察数据,我们显示,社会结盟和失调涉及八个阶段的分离,不尊重,缺乏跨学科参与和社会失调直至学习。 ,尊重,跨学科参与以及最终的社会融合。该研究对研究人员如何理论化复杂项目中的社会契合以及从业者如何促进其发展具有重要意义。 (C)2018爱思唯尔有限公司,APM和IPMA。版权所有。



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