首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Production Research >Production And Delivery Policies For Enhanced Supply Chain Partnerships

Production And Delivery Policies For Enhanced Supply Chain Partnerships


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Recent rcsearch on supply chain management has highlighted the importance of building strong customer-supplier relationships in order to gain competitive advantage. This paper examines the benefits of buyer-supplier partnerships over lot-for-lot, i.e. single setup single delivery (SSSD) systems and suggests two policies that the supplier can pursue in order to meet customers' needs: (1) Single setup multiple delivery (SSMD), and (2) Multiple setup multiple delivery (MSMD). If its fixed setup cost is relatively high, the supplier would prefer to implement SSMD and produce an entire order with one setup. However, if the supplier can reduce the setup cost and the supplier's capacity is greater than the threshold level (P = 2D), it is more beneficial for the supplier to implement the multiple setups and multiple deliveries (MSMD) policy, even though he pays more frequent setup costs since the savings in inventory holding costs is greater than the increased setup costs. In the latter case, setup reduction is realized by the knowledge and efficiency gained through frequent setup operations. To provide guidelines for the policy selection, we examine the interactions among variables, such as production capacity, learning rate, and holding costs for both parties. The paper also discusses the benefit sharing plan, which discusses according to the contribution (or sacrifice) each party made to the partnership efforts.
机译:最近对供应链管理的研究强调了建立牢固的客户-供应商关系以获取竞争优势的重要性。本文研究了买卖双方的合作伙伴关系(相对于批量交易)的好处,即单设置单交付(SSSD)系统,并提出了供应商可以遵循的两种政策以满足客户的需求:(1)单设置多交付(SSMD),以及(2)多重设置多次投放(MSMD)。如果其固定安装成本较高,则供应商宁愿实施SSMD并通过一个安装来生成整个订单。但是,如果供应商可以降低设置成本,并且供应商的容量大于阈值水平(P = 2D),则即使供应商付款,也可以实施多种设置和多次交付(MSMD)策略,这对供应商更为有利。由于库存持有成本节省的成本大于增加的设置成本,因此更频繁的设置成本。在后一种情况下,通过频繁的设置操作获得的知识和效率可以减少设置。为提供政策选择指南,我们研究了变量之间的相互作用,例如双方的生产能力,学习率和持有成本。本文还讨论了利益共享计划,该计划根据各方对伙伴关系努力的贡献(或牺牲)进行讨论。



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