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Richard Wagner and the Birth of The Birth of Tragedy

机译:理查德·瓦格纳(Richard Wagner)与《悲剧的诞生》的诞生

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Nietzsche writes that the 'real task' of The Birth of Tragedy is to 'solve the puzzle of Wagner's relation to Greek tragedy'. The 'puzzle', I suggest, is the intermingling in his art and writings of earlier socialist optimism with later Schopenhauerian pessimism. According to the former the function of the 'rebirth of Greek tragedy' in the 'collective artwork' is to 'collect', and so create, community. According to the second the function of the artwork is to intimate a realm 'beyond' this world of pain and death. The audacity of The Birth is that it attempts to show that Wagner can have his cake and eat it: the 'Dionysian', musical, element provides a 'metaphysical comfort', while the 'Apollonian', verbal, element draws a 'veil of oblivion' over the metaphysical, thereby allowing the artwork to solidify community. Contrary to the standard Anglophone view, this perspective on The Birth shows that Nietzsche's intimate association with Wagner during the period of its creation lies at the heart of its philosophical content.
机译:尼采写道,《悲剧的诞生》的“真正任务”是“解决瓦格纳与希腊悲剧的关系之谜”。我认为,“难题”是他的艺术与早期社会主义乐观主义与后来的叔本华悲观主义的融合。按照前者的说法,“集体悲剧”中“希腊悲剧的重生”的功能是“收集”并因此创造社区。根据第二种观点,艺术品的功能是在“痛苦与死亡”这个世界之外建立一个“超越”的境界。 The Birth的大胆之处在于它试图表明Wagner可以吃到蛋糕并吃掉它:音乐上的“酒神”元素提供了“形而上的舒适”,而口头上的“ Apollonian”元素则画出了“面纱”。抛弃了形而上学,从而使艺术品能够巩固社区。与标准的英语观点相反,这种对《出生》的看法表明,尼采在瓦格纳创作期间与瓦格纳的密切联系是其哲学内容的核心。



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