首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology >Pre-service teachers' free and structured mathematical problem posing

Pre-service teachers' free and structured mathematical problem posing


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This exploratory study examined how pre-service teachers (PSTs) pose mathematical problems for free and structured mathematical problem-posing conditions. It was hypothesized that PSTs would pose more complex mathematical problems under structured posing conditions, with increasing levels of complexity, than PSTs would pose under free posing conditions, because the structured posing condition would guide PSTs to more closely consider the mathematical relationships in a posing situation. Sixty-five PSTs - 61 participating in a written assessment and 4 participating in task-based interviews - responded to problem-posing tasks under free or structured posing conditions. Two-way independent samples t-tests and chi-square tests were used to test the hypothesis, along with a qualitative analysis of the task-based interviews. We found that while the task format had limited impact on the complexity of problems posed, PSTs in the structured-posing condition may have more closely attended to the mathematical concepts in each task, and may have also impacted their process of posing problems than those in the free posing condition.
机译:这项探索性研究研究了岗前教师(PST)如何针对自由和结构化的数学问题提出条件提出数学问题。假设PST在结构化摆姿势条件下会比在自由摆姿势条件下摆出更复杂的数学问题,且复杂度会更高,因为结构化摆姿势条件会指导PST在摆姿势下更仔细地考虑数学关系。 65个PST-61个参加了书面评估,4个参加了基于任务的访谈-在自由或结构化的摆姿势条件下回答了摆姿势任务。使用双向独立样本t检验和卡方检验来检验假设,并对基于任务的访谈进行定性分析。我们发现,虽然任务格式对提出的问题的复杂性影响有限,但结构化姿势条件下的PST可能更密切地关注每个任务中的数学概念,而且可能比其构成问题时更影响其提出问题的过程。自由摆姿势。



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