首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Learning and Change >Implementation of great leadership style to leverage employees' performance in PT Telkom Akses Indonesia

Implementation of great leadership style to leverage employees' performance in PT Telkom Akses Indonesia

机译:实施伟大的领导风格,以利用员工在PT Telkom Akses印度尼西亚的表现

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This study intends to examine whether great leadership has an effect on employee performance in PT Telkom Akses Bandung. The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of manage yourself leadership style on employee performance, the influence of manage your network on employee performance, and the influence of manage your team on employee performance which is applied in the company. This research used a quantitative descriptive method. Data collection was conducted using questionnaires distributed to 384 employees. To test the hypothesis, this research used structural equation model (SEM) with Amos 20. Researchers found that respondents had assessed that the company had a leader who supported employees' performance, which can be seen from the assessment of great leadership factors that tended to influence the three major leadership dimensions of managing yourself, managing your network and managing your team.
机译:本研究打算探讨伟大的领导层是否对PT Telkom Akses Bandung的员工表现产生了影响。 本研究的目的是确定管理自己领导风格对员工绩效的影响,管理您的网络对员工绩效的影响,以及管理您的团队对公司员工业绩的影响。 该研究使用了定量描述方法。 使用分配给384名员工的问卷进行数据收集。 为了测试假设,该研究使用了AMOS 20的结构方程模型(SEM)。研究人员发现,受访者已经评估了该公司拥有支持员工绩效的领导者,可以从往往的伟大领导因素的评估中看到员工绩效的领导者 影响管理自己的三个主要领导层,管理网络并管理团队。



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