首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Information and Management Sciences >A Retrial Queueing System with two Types of Calls and Geometric Loss

A Retrial Queueing System with two Types of Calls and Geometric Loss


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A retrial queueing system with two types of calls are considered. Type Ⅰ calls arrive in a batch of size k with probability Ck and type Ⅱ calls arrive singly according to Poisson processes with rates λ_1c and λ_2. Service time distributions are independent and identically distributed and are different for both types of calls. If arriving calls are blocked due to server being busy, type Ⅰ calls are queued in a priority queue of infinite capacity whereas type Ⅱ calls are entered into the retrial group in order to seek service again after a random amount of time. For this system the joint distribution of the number of calls in the priority queue and in the retrial group in closed form is obtained. The operating characteristics and numerical results are also presented.
机译:考虑具有两种类型的呼叫的重试排队系统。 Ⅰ类呼叫以概率Ck到达一批大小为k的信号,而Ⅱ类呼叫根据泊松过程以λ_1c和λ_2的速率单独到达。服务时间分配是独立的且分配相同的,并且对于两种呼叫类型都是不同的。如果由于服务器繁忙而阻塞了到达的呼叫,则将Ⅰ类呼叫放在无限容量的优先级队列中,而将Ⅱ类呼叫输入重试组,以便在一段随机的时间后再次寻求服务。对于该系统,以封闭形式获得了优先级队列和重试组中呼叫数量的联合分配。还介绍了操作特性和数值结果。



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