首页> 外文期刊>International journal of industrial and systems engineering >EEG based analysis of cognitive fatigue during simulated driving

EEG based analysis of cognitive fatigue during simulated driving


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Safe driving places importance on cognitive aspects, such as perception, vigilance, reasoning, judgement as well as efficient motor skills. Cognitive fatigue brings about a loss of attentiveness in drivers, which could be detrimental; decrease in attentiveness can be measured using electroencephalogram (EEG) signals. The principal objective of this study was to analyse and determine cognitive fatigue within subjects during a short duration of driving in a simulated environment using EEG recordings. Six male volunteers participated in this study in which each of them drove for 15 min in the simulator. EEG signals were collected from seven characteristic locations on the cranium using surface electrodes. Mean alpha activities corresponding to the 4th and 12th min were computed for all channels. Mean power alpha activity was significantly high (p < 0.028) in the 12th min when compared to 4th min. This is symptomatic of cognitive fatigue in the volunteers. Our study effectively demonstrated that cognitive fatigue in drivers can be determined using EEG.
机译:安全驾驶将重点放在认知方面,例如感知,警惕,推理,判断以及有效的运动技能。认知疲劳会导致驾驶员注意力不集中,这可能是有害的。可以使用脑电图(EEG)信号来测量注意力下降。这项研究的主要目的是使用EEG记录在模拟环境中的短时间驾驶中分析和确定受试者的认知疲劳。六名男性志愿者参加了这项研究,他们每人在模拟器中开车15分钟。使用表面电极从颅骨上的七个特征位置收集脑电信号。计算所有通道对应于第4分钟和第12分钟的平均alpha活性。与第4分钟相比,第12分钟的平均功率α活性显着较高(p <0.028)。这是志愿者认知疲劳的症状。我们的研究有效地证明,可以使用EEG来确定驾驶员的认知疲劳。



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