首页> 外文期刊>International journal of hydrogen energy >Ti-decorated C_(120) nanotorus: A new molecular structure for hydrogen storage

Ti-decorated C_(120) nanotorus: A new molecular structure for hydrogen storage


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In this work, C-120-nanotorus, were decorated with Ti atoms, and structural, thermodynamic and chemical properties were theoretical investigated using the Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations under Accelrys, Materials Studio Dmol3 library. Nowadays, the hydrogen is considered as an energy vector, besides it is not a pollutant and it is very abundant. There exists a wide consensus among scientists and specialists about theoretical and applied hydrogen science and technology that some of the biggest problems is the hydrogen safe storage and shipper catalytic materials in the hydrogen application as an electric source. According to this we had been studying some nanostructures that could be good and safe hydrogen storage materials. For this reason, we propose C-120+nTi nanotorus as a good hydrogen absorber material since we found it presents highly hydrogen storage capacity, around of 5.6 wt%, it has a good thermal resistance, 100 degrees C, and expected proper catalytic properties for hydrogen storage purpose. In addition, the presented simulated material, as a new nanostructure, presents high structural and chemical stability implying with a good hydrogen gravimetric capacity weight %, which makes it an excellent option for our purpose. (C) 2017 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:在这项工作中,用Ti原子修饰了C-120纳米分子,并根据Accelrys在Materials Studio Dmol3库下的密度泛函理论(DFT)计算对结构,热力学和化学性质进行了理论研究。如今,氢已被视为一种能量载体,它不仅不是一种污染物而且非常丰富。在理论和应用氢科学与技术方面,科学家和专家之间已达成广泛共识,其中一些最大的问题是在氢作为电源应用中的氢安全存储和托运人催化材料。据此,我们一直在研究一些可能是优质安全的储氢材料的纳米结构。因此,我们建议使用C-120 + nTi纳米环作为一种良好的氢吸收材料,因为我们发现它具有很高的储氢能力,约为5.6 wt%,具有良好的耐热性,<100摄氏度,并且有望得到适当的催化作用。储氢特性。另外,作为一种新的纳米结构,本发明的模拟材料具有较高的结构和化学稳定性,这意味着它具有良好的氢重量比重量%,这使其成为我们的理想选择。 (C)2017氢能出版物有限公司。由Elsevier Ltd.出版。保留所有权利。



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