首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer >Flow and impingement cooling heat transfer along triangular rib-roughened walls

Flow and impingement cooling heat transfer along triangular rib-roughened walls




Experiments are performed to study slot air jet impingement cooling flow and the heat transfer along triangular rib-roughened walls. Both flow visualization and local heat transfer measurements along the ribbed wall are made. The effect of different rib protrusions (heights) on the impinging flow and heat transfer along the wall is studied, which is achieved by using different sizes of nozzles. Two different ribbed walls with different rib pitches are selected which have a rib pitch-to-height ratio of 2 and 4, respectively. The widely opened cavity between neighboring ribs make more intense transport of momentum between the wall jet and cavity flow so that recirculation cell in the cavity is hardly observed. This leads to a higher heat transfer around the cavity wall than in the case with rectangular ribs. However, in the region of laminar wall jet. a number of air bubbles enclosing the cavities are formed which prevent penetration of the wall jet into the cavities. This leads to a significant reduction in the heat transfer. The geometric shape of the triangular ribs is more effective in rebounding the wall jet away from the wall than in the case with rectangular ribs. The rebound of the Jet away from the wall causes a significant reduction in the heat transfer. A comparison and correlations of the stagnating point Nusselt number under different conditions are presented and discussed. During the experiments, the Reynolds number varies from 2500 to ll,000, the slot width-to-rib height ratio from l. l7 to 6.67, and nozzle-to-plate spacing from 2 to l6. 65f4405-4418
机译:进行实验以研究狭缝空气射流冲击冷却流和沿三角肋粗糙壁的传热。沿着肋壁进行流动可视化和局部传热测量。研究了不同的肋条突起(高度)对撞击流动和沿壁传热的影响,这是通过使用不同尺寸的喷嘴实现的。选择具有不同肋距的两个不同的肋壁,它们的肋距高度比分别为2和4。相邻肋之间的宽敞开的空腔使壁面射流和空腔流动之间的动量传递更加强烈,因此几乎看不到空腔中的再循环室。与具有矩形肋的情况相比,这导致了在腔壁周围的更高的热传递。但是,在层流壁射流区域。形成许多包围空腔的气泡,这些气泡阻止壁射流渗透到空腔中。这导致热传递显着减少。与具有矩形肋的情况相比,三角形肋的几何形状在使壁射流反弹远离墙壁时更有效。射流离开壁的回弹会显着减少传热。提出并讨论了不同条件下停滞点努塞尔数的比较和相关性。在实验过程中,雷诺数从2500变化到ll,000,缝隙宽度与肋骨的高度之比从1开始。 l7到6.67,喷嘴到印版的间距从2到l6。 65f4405-4418



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