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Analysis and design of selection committees: a game theoretic secretary problem


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Firms often delegate important decisions to committees which are set up specifically for that purpose; for example selection committees. We analyze the equilibrium behavior of a game in which committee members (the players) interview candidates sequentially, either hiring or going on to the next one. The players have differing evaluations of candidates (e.g. one cares about typing skills; the other about IT skills), which become their utilities if the candidate is hired. We then consider the optimal design (rules of the game) of such a committee, from the point of view of the firm. That is, which rules hire candidates which maximize the firm's utility. Our committee game has a first round in which the members sequentially, by order of player number, say 'yea' or 'nea' to the candidate. If there are sufficient 'yeas' then she is tentatively hired; otherwise she is rejected. In the former case, members who said nea can veto the candidate in the second round. Thus the candidate is either hired, rejected, or vetoed. In the last case, the member casting a veto has one less to use on later candidates. We analyze equilibria where a player may say 'yea' to a candidate he would prefer not to hire, in order to force the other player to use up a valuable veto. We show that for the uniform candidate distribution there is a unique equilibrium and better candidates for the firm are hired when there are more vetoes. However we exhibit a candidate distribution where increasing the numbers of vetoes results in hiring worse candidates.
机译:公司经常将重要的决策委托给专门为此目的设立的委员会。例如selection选委员会。我们分析了一种游戏的均衡行为,在该游戏中,委员会成员(玩家)依次采访候选人,无论是聘用还是继续进行下一场比赛。玩家对候选人的评价不尽相同(例如,一个人关心打字技能;另一个人关心IT技能),如果聘用了候选人,这将成为他们的实用工具。然后,从公司的角度出发,我们考虑这种委员会的最佳设计(游戏规则)。就是说,这条规则雇用了能够最大化公司效用的候选人。我们的委员会游戏进行的第一轮比赛中,成员按照玩家编号的顺序对候选人说“是”或“ nea”。如果有足够的“是”,那么她将被暂时雇用;否则她将被拒绝。在前一种情况下,说不清的成员可以在第二轮否决候选人。因此,候选人要么被录用,要么被拒绝,要么被否决。在最后一种情况下,投否决票的成员少了一个,可用于以后的候选人。我们分析了一种均衡,即一名玩家可能对不想雇用的候选人说“是”,以迫使另一名玩家用尽宝贵的否决权。我们表明,对于统一的候选人分布,存在唯一的均衡,并且在有更多否决权的情况下,会为公司雇用更好的候选人。但是,我们展示了一种候选人分布,其中增加否决权的数量会导致雇用更差的候选人。



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