首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Fatigue >Fatigue assessment of non-stationary random loading in the frequency domain by a quasi-stationary Gaussian approximation

Fatigue assessment of non-stationary random loading in the frequency domain by a quasi-stationary Gaussian approximation


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The power spectral density (PSD) is a fundamental technique of random vibration fatigue providing an effective statistical characterization that can be processed by linear systems theory and load spectrum estimators. This lays the basis for a statistical-based fatigue assessment. While the PSD assembles a full stochastic characterization of stationary Gaussian loading, for loading subjected to changing operational, environmental, and excitational conditions, it provides no means of a fluctuating spectral density. Therefore, the PSD neither qualifies to characterize varying loads, nor reproduces comparable stress amplitudes to a referencing non-stationary excitation following a statistical-based stress analysis. Consequently, this paper employs the non-stationarity matrix to characterize the varying evolution of realistic loading and proposes a system of equations that decomposes this characterization into stationary Gaussian portions. The fundamental idea is to approximate realistic loading by abstracting a series of stationary segments, whose assembly in return embodies a full statistical characterization. The resulting quasi-stationary load definition better reflects the fatigue damage potential of realistic, non-stationary loading and allows to implement load spectrum estimators, ensuing computationally efficient and statistically robust structural lifetime predictions. Further, quasi-stationary load definitions are utilized to advance the concept of damage-equivalent statistical load definitions to be independent of a specific Miner exponent.



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