首页> 外文期刊>The International Journal of Educational Management >Parents' involvement, identification and alertness and their children's functioning in school

Parents' involvement, identification and alertness and their children's functioning in school


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Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between parents' involvement related to their alertness of what happens in school and their identification with school and their children's attitudes toward school, social adjustment, self-efficacy and academic achievements. Design/methodology/approach - Questionnaires were answered by 339 parents and 343 students, and yielded 34 parents whose levels of identification with school and alertness were low, and 57 parents whose levels were high. 10; path analysis was used (structural equation model). The theoretical model was tested by a software AMOS 7.0. Findings - Involvement characterized by low identification and alertness predicted a direct, significant and negative relationship with children's self-efficacy; alertness predicted a direct, significant and negative relationship with self-efficacy. The group with high identification and alertness predicted a direct, significant and positive relationship of their identification with children's self-efficacy. Research limitations/implications - Further research is recommended because of the small sample in this study. In addition, especially it is recommended to add to the study parents whose identification is low and their alertness is high. Practical implications - The way to solve problems is not by mutual accusations, but by trusting each other. Parents and school must create useful communication channels and forums for straightening out issues and find solution through cooperation. Originality/value - This paper reveals that parents' alienation from school is a predictor of their children's negative functioning in school. This document is intended for school principals, educational staff and parents to improve students' functioning.
机译:目的-本文的目的是研究父母的参与程度与他们对在校情况的警觉性,对学校的认同以及孩子对学校的态度,社会适应,自我效能感和学习成绩之间的关系。设计/方法/方法-问卷由339位父母和343名学生回答,产生了34位父母对学校的识别和警觉性较低的父母和57位父母的高水平。 10;使用了路径分析(结构方程模型)。理论模型已通过软件AMOS 7.0进行了测试。调查结果-参与度低,识别和警觉性低,预示着儿童自我效能的直接,显着和负面关系;警觉性预示着自我效能的直接,显着和负面关系。具有较高识别和警觉性的小组预测其识别与儿童的自我效能有直接,显着和积极的关系。研究的局限性/意义-由于本研究的样本量较小,因此建议进行进一步的研究。此外,特别建议向研究对象中添加身份识别度低且机敏性高的父母。实际含义-解决问题的方法不是相互指责,而是彼此信任。家长和学校必须建立有用的沟通渠道和论坛,以解决问题并通过合作找到解决方案。原创性/价值-本文揭示了父母对学校的疏远是孩子在学校负面作用的预测指标。本文档供学校校长,教育人员和家长使用,以改善学生的功能。



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