首页> 外文期刊>International journal of distance education technologies >Implementing Advanced Characteristics of X3D Collaborative Virtual Environments for Supporting e-Learning: The Case of EVE Platform

Implementing Advanced Characteristics of X3D Collaborative Virtual Environments for Supporting e-Learning: The Case of EVE Platform


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Three dimensional Collaborative Virtual Environments are a powerful form of collaborative telecommunication applications, enabling the users to share a common three-dimensional space and interact with each other as well as with the environment surrounding them, in order to collaboratively solve problems or aid learning processes. Such an environment is "EVE Training Area tool" which is supported by "EVE platform". This tool is a three-dimensional space where participants, represented by three-dimensional humanoid avatars, can use a variety ofe-collaboration tools. This paper presents advanced functionality that has been integrated on "EVE Training Area tool" in order to support: (a) multiple collaborative learning techniques (b) Spatial audio conferencing, which is targeted to support principle 3 (augmenting user s representation and awareness). Furthermore the paper presents technological and implementation issues concerning the evolution of "EVE platform " in order to support this functionality.
机译:三维协作虚拟环境是协作电信应用程序的一种强大形式,它使用户可以共享一个公共的三维空间,并且彼此以及与它们周围的环境进行交互,以便协作解决问题或帮助学习过程。这样的环境是“ EVE平台”支持的“ EVE培训区域工具”。该工具是一个三维空间,参与者可以使用三维人形化身来代表,他们可以使用各种电子协作工具。本文介绍了已集成到“ EVE培训区域工具”上的高级功能,以支持:(a)多种协作学习技术(b)空间音频会议,旨在支持原则3(增强用户的表示和意识) 。此外,本文提出了有关“ EVE平台”演进的技术和实现问题,以支持该功能。



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