首页> 外文期刊>International journal of distance education technologies >User Preferences for Web-Based Module Design Layout and Design Impact on Information Recall Considering Age

User Preferences for Web-Based Module Design Layout and Design Impact on Information Recall Considering Age


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Research in design of Web-based modules should incorporate aging as an important factor given the diversity of the current workforce. This work aims to understand how Web-Based Learning modules can be designed to accommodate young (25-35 years) as well as older (55-65 years) users by: (I) identifying how information sources (instructorvideo, banners, and PowerPoint slides) within a Web-based module impact user information recall; and (2) distinguishing if there are any module layout preferences based on module content, participant gender, and age group. The results from the study show that information recall significantly varied based on age group and Web-based module content, and provide empirical evidence to suggest a general preference for placing the video in the left-upper corner of a Web module screen.
机译:鉴于当前劳动力的多样性,基于Web的模块设计的研究应将老化作为重要因素。这项工作旨在通过以下方式了解如何设计基于Web的学习模块以适应年轻人(25​​-35岁)和年龄较大(55-65岁)的用户:(I)确定信息来源(讲师视频,横幅和PowerPoint)的方式基于Web的模块中的幻灯片)会影响用户信息的回忆; (2)根据模块内容,参与者性别和年龄组来区分是否存在模块布局首选项。这项研究的结果表明,信息召回因年龄段和基于Web的模块内容而异,并且提供了经验证据,表明人们普遍倾向于将视频放在Web模块屏幕的左上角。



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