首页> 外文期刊>International journal of cross cultural management >Exploring teamwork paradoxes challenging 21 st-century cross- cultural conflict management in a multicultural organizational context

Exploring teamwork paradoxes challenging 21 st-century cross- cultural conflict management in a multicultural organizational context


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This paper focuses on cross-cultural conflict and its management in a multicultural work environment affected by teamwork paradoxes, as perceived and experienced by multicultural team members working in project and management teams. A mixed research methodology was applied, using a quantitative confirmation of teamwork paradoxes in multicultural organizational environments, followed by a qualitative interpretivist approach exploring the perceived and felt cross-cultural conflicts and its management within the teamwork paradox context Eight multicultural teamwork paradoxes were confirmed by 107 respondents to a survey questionnaire. Next, semi-structured individual interviews were conducted with 33 participants exploring cross-cultural conflict and its management within the eight identified teamwork paradoxes. The qualitative thematic data analysis provided insightful information on cross-cultural conflict management in multicultural team paradoxes relevant to project and management teams in a multicultural South African context. The multicultural team paradoxes and their managerial implications are explained in terms of cross-cultural conflict management on multiple levels. cross-cultural conflict; multicultural challenges; multiple identity; South Africa; teamwork paradoxes



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