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Mainstreaming cross-cultural management studies through inclusive scholarship


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International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, now in its 17th year, has attracted a loyal following within an area that is often regarded as a subdiscipline within management studies as a whole, rather than an integral part of it. The Journal has done much to establish itself as one of the main references in the field, with a first-class editorial board comprising the most prominent scholars in the field as well as promising scholars in less represented geographical regions such as sub-Saharan Africa and South America. All those working in the field of cross-cultural management will know the Journal, with many having published in it. In recent years, our editorial policy has reflected a desire to attract more critical forms of cross-cultural scholarship alongside our long-stated desire to attract scholarship from non-Western perspectives as well as more traditional comparative and interaction-based approaches.
机译:《国际跨文化管理杂志》(International Journal of Cross Culture Management)成立至今已有17年之久,在一个通常被视为整个管理研究的子学科而不是其组成部分的领域中吸引了一批忠实的追随者。 《华尔街日报》在建立自己作为该领域主要参考文献方面所做的许多工作,拥有一流的编辑委员会,成员包括该领域最杰出的学者,以及撒哈拉以南非洲和撒哈拉以南非洲等地域较少的有前途的学者南美洲。所有在跨文化管理领域工作的人都将了解《日刊》,其中许多已经出版。近年来,我们的编辑政策不仅体现了一种渴望吸引更为重要的跨文化奖学金形式的渴望,同时也体现了我们长期以来渴望从非西方视角以及更为传统的基于比较和互动的方法吸引学者的渴望。



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