首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences >Study of Correlation between Adjustment and Environmental Awareness in High School Students of Assam (India)

Study of Correlation between Adjustment and Environmental Awareness in High School Students of Assam (India)


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There are many regions in India that are very beautiful and attractive, Assam is one of them. Assamese race is a composite whole of people belonging to different racial classes like Austrics, Mongolians and Aryans. During the reign of British in India, people from different states of India like Bihar, UP, West Bengal, Rajasthan and neighbouring country Nepal came and settled. The present study is done for finding correlation in adjustment in home, society emotional and health with the environmental awareness of the peoples. The present study has been done by descriptive survey method. Data is collected with the help of Bell's Adjustment Inventory prepared by Dr. R. K. Ojha and environment awareness scale prepared by the author himself. Mean, median, mode, standard deviation, skewness and Pearson's correlation coefficient is used as statistical tool for the analysis of data. The present study reveals that there is no correlation in adjustment in home, emotional and health with the environmental awareness. But there is existence of low correlation between social adjustment and environmental awareness. It shows that it is society which inculcates the culture of environment protection just like the other customs and beliefs of society.
机译:印度有很多美丽而迷人的地区,阿萨姆邦就是其中之一。阿萨姆人族群是属于不同种族的人(如澳大利亚人,蒙古人和雅利安人)的综合组成部分。在印度人统治印度期间,比哈尔邦,UP,西孟加拉邦,拉贾斯坦邦和邻国尼泊尔等印度不同邦的人们来此定居。本研究旨在发现家庭,社会情感和健康的调整与人民的环境意识之间的相关性。本研究已通过描述性调查方法完成。数据是在R. K. Ojha博士编写的《贝尔氏调整量表》和作者本人编写的环境意识量表的帮助下收集的。均值,中位数,众数,标准偏差,偏度和Pearson相关系数用作数据分析的统计工具。本研究表明,在家庭,情感和健康方面的调整与环境意识之间没有关联。但是,社会适应与环境意识之间的相关性较低。它表明,正是社会灌输了环境保护文化,就像社会的其他习俗和信仰一样。



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