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Bond rally prompts return to market


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A rally in its bonds this year has spurred Ecuador to seek new cash in the international debt markets as it rushes to plug a widening financing gap caused by the recent dip in crude prices. The oil exporter, which in 2008 tainted its reputation by voluntarily defaulting on debt it declared illegitimate, is expected to return to the market with a new international bond sale worth at least US$1bn as soon as next week. "Given the decline in Ecuador's yields, a new issue is becoming attractive again," said Juan Lorenzo Maldonado, an economist at Credit Suisse in New York. "It is important for them to diversify their sources of funding."
机译:厄瓜多尔今年的债券集会刺激了厄瓜多尔在国际债务市场上寻求新的现金,因为它急于填补因近期原油价格下跌而扩大的融资缺口。这位石油出口商在2008年因自愿违约而宣布违法的债务而名声受损,预计将在下周尽快发行新的至少10亿美元的国际债券,重返市场。瑞士信贷(Credit Suisse)驻纽约的经济学家胡安·洛伦佐·马尔多纳多(Juan Lorenzo Maldonado)表示:“鉴于厄瓜多尔国债收益率的下降,新一期债券再次变得有吸引力。” “对他们来说,分散资金来源很重要。”



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