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Mobile Fine Dust Measuring for Solid Fuel Burning Exhaust


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Fine dust particles < PM 2.5 from solid fuel burners such as chimney stoves, logwood, pellets, wood chips, bio mass, coal etc. are dangerous to health as humans do not have any immune system to very small particles resulting in cardiac -/respiration problems as well as damage of brain functions. Therefore in Germany a regulation (BlmSchV) for measuring of fine dust in exhaust has become effective since the beginning of 2013. Until recently far fine dust measuring was based on the gravity method which has its limits when very small values (<<100 mg/m~3) have to be measured mobile.Together with the well-known Fraunhofer Institut and the Technical University in Clausthal VERETA (Germany) have developed the first optical mobile fine dust measuring system which has been approved by the German Federal Environment Ageny (FEA). Also the Graz University of Technology (Austria) has in connection with the European PMinter-Project stated the VERETA measuring system to be suitable.
机译:固体燃料燃烧器(例如烟囱炉,原木,颗粒,木屑,生物质,煤炭等)中的细颗粒<PM 2.5,对健康有害,因为人类对很小的颗粒没有免疫系统,导致心脏/呼吸问题以及脑功能受损。因此,在德国,自2013年初起,用于测量废气中微尘的法规(BlmSchV)生效。直到最近,微尘的测量仍基于重力法,当其值非常小(<< 100 mg / m〜3)必须通过移动进行测量。与著名的Fraunhofer研究所和位于克劳斯塔尔VERETA(德国)的技术大学一起开发了首个光学移动细粉尘测量系统,该系统已获得德国联邦环境Ageny(FEA)的认可)。格拉茨工业大学(奥地利)也与欧洲PMinter-Project一起指出VERETA测量系统是合适的。



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