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A Paradoxical Interaction between Intellectual Property Rights, Technological Innovation and Climate Change


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The TRIPS Agreement and the Kyoto Protocol to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) apply differently to energy and innovation. The former provides a strong IPRs protection regime in order to incentivise innovative inventions; the latter obliges Member States to cooperate in the development and diffusion of environmentally sound technologies pertinent to climate change. However, with its current framework, TRIPS seems to be a barrier to the diffusion of technologies, as patents for clean technologies lie greatly in private hands who are, in most cases, not willing to share their technologies. Consequently, it is opined that the TRIPS Agreement be amended to be in synch with the technology diffusion objective of the Kyoto Protocol. Alternatively, massive state investment in research and development (R&D); endowment of a global climate change technology fund (GCCTF); international award schemes for best free climate change mitigating technologies; international law (technology deployment and human capital development) regulatory mechanism; and state designated payment system for technology could all be veritable initiatives to obviate the barrier posed by TRIPS Agreement to the objective of the Kyoto Protocol. These may all have their nuances and subtle challenges, but they have potentials for resolving or substantially reducing the TRIPS-Kyoto application conflict.
机译:《 TRIPS协定》和《联合国气候变化框架公约》(UNFCCC)的《京都议定书》在能源和创新方面的适用方式有所不同。前者提供了强有力的知识产权保护制度,以激励创新发明。后者责成会员国在与气候变化有关的无害环境技术的开发和传播方面进行合作。但是,在目前的框架下,TRIPS似乎是技术传播的障碍,因为清洁技术的专利主要掌握在私人手中,而私人多数情况下不愿分享其技术。因此,有人认为,《 TRIPS协定》应予以修正,以与《京都议定书》的技术传播目标保持一致。或者,国家在研发上的大量投资;全球气候变化技术基金(GCCTF)的捐赠;最佳的免费缓解气候变化技术国际奖励计划;国际法(技术部署和人力资本开发)监管机制;国家指定的技术支付系统都可以成为真正的举措,以消除《 TRIPS协定》对《京都议定书》目标的障碍。这些可能都有其细微差别和微妙的挑战,但它们都有解决或大幅减少TRIPS-Kyoto应用程序冲突的潜力。



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