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An alternative evaluation: online puzzle as a course-end activity


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Purpose - The purpose of this study is to determine whether the use of online puzzles in the instructional process has an effect on student achievement and learning retention. This study examined students' perception and experiences on use of puzzle as an alternative evaluation tool. To achieve this aim, the following hypotheses were tested: using puzzle activities in lessons increases student achievement, using puzzle activities in lessons increases retention of information learned by the students and students have positive attitudes toward using puzzle activities in lessons. This study uses an online puzzle system (OPS) by which instructors can prepare puzzle activities for students to solve online. The technical and functional properties of the OPS developed and used are beyond the scope of this study. Design/methodology/approach - A pre- and post-test with control group experimental research design was implemented. Study participants were tenth-grade students in the Information Technologies Department of Gazi Anatolia Technical and Industrial Vocational School in Elazig during the 2011-2012 year. Thirty students each were chosen for the experimental and control groups, totaling 60 students. During the study, a traditional instruction method was used for the control group, while the experimental group received both traditional instruction and performed activities using the OPS. The subject Fundamentals of Networking was chosen, and the implementation period lasted six weeks. Four weeks after completion of the study, the achievement level of students was calculated again to test learning retention. Findings - The first hypothesis of the study is, "Using puzzle activities in the lessons increases the achievement of the students". In the teaching of the Networking Fundamentals Module of Information Technologies Course for tenth graders, a significant difference in favor of the experimental group was seen, where online puzzle activities were used in terms of student achievement. The second hypothesis of the study is, "Using puzzle activities in the lessons increase the retention of the information learned by the students". Four weeks after completion of the study, the achievement levels of the students were calculated again to test learning retention. The learning retention of the students in the experimental group is higher than that of the students in the control group. In addition, students in the experimental group had positive attitudes toward online puzzle activities. Doing online puzzle activities accelerates learning for students and helps them learn networking terms by creating an enjoyable environment. Research limitations/implications - The current study was limited to six weeks of implementation during the 2011-2012 school year at Gazi Anatolia Technical and Industrial Vocational High School in Elazig. Similar studies could be conducted in other schools for longer periods and at different levels, so the findings can be compared with those of the current study. This study is further limited to an Information Technologies Course. Studies can be conducted with various courses using appropriate online puzzle activities. Puzzle types other than the crossword used in the OPS of the current study should be developed and added. The system should also be developed by visual multimedia objects, allowing it to be more interactive. Moreover, in the development process of such an OPS, educators, software designers, psychologists and scholars from other fields should work together. Usability tests should be conducted to improve user-friendliness of the system by adding various features related to functionality and visuality. Practical implications - From the findings of the study, it can be concluded that online puzzle activities help students understand subjects better and aid in exam preparation. Moreover, these activities are effective for students in terms of increasing understanding and retention of learned terms in and outside class, forming valuable learning experiences. Doing online puzzle activities in class as a course-end activity can be said to be more effective in students' learning than doing them outside of class. Crossword puzzles offer opportunities for students to accelerate learning by quickly mastering new words and phrases and by directing students to more actively interact with computer-related vocabulary and terminology as compared with the rote learning method. Originality/value - Paper-based puzzles are frequently used, and there are few Web-based puzzles. Despite their frequent use, preparing and evaluating paper-based puzzles can require a significant time investment; another disadvantage is the lack of immediate feedback. Based on the literature review, there is no dynamic OPS used for educational purposes. This study uses an OPS by which instructors can prepare puzzle activities for students to solve online. The originality of this study is OPS features and puzzle generation mechanism. The system presents a user-friendly interface with Turkish character (or any language) support and number-writing properties.
机译:目的-这项研究的目的是确定在教学过程中使用在线拼图对学生的学习成绩和学习记忆是否有影响。这项研究调查了学生使用拼图作为替代评估工具的看法和经验。为了实现这一目标,测试了以下假设:在课堂上使用拼图活动可提高学生的学习成绩,在课堂上使用拼图活动可增加学生所学信息的保留,并且学生对在课堂上使用拼图活动持积极态度。本研究使用在线益智系统(OPS),教师可以通过该系统准备益智活动,以便学生在线解决。开发和使用的OPS的技术和功能特性超出了本研究的范围。设计/方法/方法-进行了带有对照组实验研究设计的预测试和后测试。研究参与者是2011-2012年间在Elazig的Gazi Anatolia技术和工业职业学校信息技术系的十年级学生。实验组和对照组分别选出30名学生,总共60名学生。在研究过程中,对照组采用传统的指导方法,而实验组既接受传统指导,又使用OPS进行活动。选择了“网络基础知识”主题,实施期持续了六个星期。完成学习四个星期后,再次计算学生的成就水平,以测试学习能力。调查结果-该研究的第一个假设是,“在课程中使用拼图活动可以提高学生的学习成绩”。在面向十年级学生的信息技术课程网络基础模块的教学中,看到了对实验组的支持的显着差异,实验组使用在线益智活动来衡量学生的学习成绩。该研究的第二个假设是:“在课程中使用拼图活动可以增加对学生所学信息的保留”。完成学习四个星期后,再次计算学生的成就水平,以测试学习能力。实验组学生的学习记忆力高于对照组。此外,实验组的学生对在线益智活动持积极态度。进行在线益智活动可加快学生的学习速度,并通过创造一个愉快的环境来帮助他们学习网络术语。研究的局限性/含意-当前的研究仅限于Elazig的Gazi Anatolia技术和工业职业高中2011-2012学年实施六周。可以在其他学校进行更长时期,不同级别的类似研究,因此可以将研究结果与当前研究的结果进行比较。这项研究仅限于信息技术课程。可以使用适当的在线拼图活动,通过各种课程进行学习。应该开发和添加除当前研究的OPS中使用的填字游戏以外的其他拼图类型。该系统还应该由视觉多媒体对象开发,使其更具交互性。而且,在这样的OPS的开发过程中,其他领域的教育者,软件设计师,心理学家和学者应该一起工作。应该通过添加与功能和可视性相关的各种功能来进行可用性测试,以提高系统的用户友好性。实际意义-从研究结果中可以得出结论,在线拼图活动可以帮助学生更好地理解科目并帮助准备考试。此外,这些活动对于学生而言是有效的,因为它们可以增加对课堂内外的学习术语的理解和保留,形成宝贵的学习经验。可以说,在课堂上做在线拼图活动作为课程结局活动比在课外进行课堂学习更有效。与死记硬背的学习方法相比,填字游戏为学生提供了机会,可以通过快速掌握新单词和短语并指导学生与计算机相关的词汇和术语进行更积极的互动,从而加快学习速度。原创性/价值-纸质拼图经常被使用,而基于Web的拼图则很少。尽管经常使用它们,但准备和评估纸质拼图仍需要大量时间。另一个缺点是缺乏即时反馈。根据文献回顾,没有用于教育目的的动态OPS。这项研究使用OPS,教师可以通过OPS准备益智活动,以便学生在线解决。这项研究的独创性在于OPS的功能和谜题生成机制。该系统提供了具有土耳其语字符(或任何语言)支持和数字书写属性的用户友好界面。



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