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An instructional paradigm for the teaching of computer-mediated communication


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This article outlines an instructional paradigm that guides the design of interventions that build skills in computer-mediated communication (CMC). It is applicable to learning at multiple levels of communicative proficiency and aims to heighten awareness, the understanding of the impact of media configurations, the role of cultures and social contexts in mediated communication, and forward research in the service of instructional designs for CMC. This paradigm broadens the scope of Hymes’ (Sociolinguistics, Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972) theory of communicative competence, which is often applied to foreign language learning contexts, to include online interaction. The paradigm addresses the nuances of mediated communication through recognition of the situations and modes that intersect in online spaces. The paradigm is designed for learning situations that provide time and access to mediated environments where learners develop values for communication skill through practical experiences and structured reflection. This approach to creating instruction has at its core certain values, including risk-taking by participating in unfamiliar contexts, appreciating mediated-communication configurations as unique modalities, and placing CMC skills development within larger sets of pedagogical goals. This instructional paradigm does not assume that verbal fluency, grammatical competence, skill in either writing or speaking, nor membership in any age group translates directly to skill in CMC. The methods presented here have been selected because they build tolerance and appreciation for divergent viewpoints. The methods are (1) building interest by having learners select specific media situations, (2) facilitating collaboration by constructing safe spaces, (3) directly teaching CMC reading skills, (4) using examples and matched non-examples, (5) investigating CMC principles in real world examples through structured discussions, (6) showing the process of different communications’ development, and (7) using roles in discussion designs.



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