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Air Force Proposes More Centralized Major Command Functions


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The Air Force has drafted a plan to centralize logistics and installation management functions at its 10 major commands, part of a larger effort to reduce headquarters management costs by at least 20 percent. The draft plan - dated April 29 and obtained and first reported by The Washington Times - proposes the establishment of an intermediate-level organization, the Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center (AFIMSC), and describes the budget-driven move as an opportunity to make operations more efficient and free commanders from day-today tasks so they can better focus on their missions. "The stand-up of the AFIMSC allows the Air Force to take the next step of establishing a single, intermediate-level headquarters for providing all installation and expeditionary combat support activities in the most effective, efficient and integrated manner to support mission commanders around the world," the document states.
机译:空军已经起草了一项计划,以集中其10个主要司令部的后勤和安装管理职能,这是将总部管理成本降低至少20%的更大努力的一部分。该计划草案日期为4月29日,由《华盛顿时报》获得并首次报道。该计划草案建议建立一个中级组织,即空军安装和任务支持中心(AFIMSC),并将预算驱动的举措描述为一个机会,以使行动更加高效,指挥官从日常任务中解放出来,使他们可以更好地专注于自己的任务。 “ AFIMSC的成立使空军可以采取下一步行动,建立一个单一的中级总部,以最有效,高效和综合的方式提供所有安装和远征作战支援活动,以支持各地的任务指挥官世界”,该文件指出。



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