首页> 外文期刊>Information retrieval >Discriminative graphical models for faculty homepage discovery

Discriminative graphical models for faculty homepage discovery


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Faculty homepage discovery is an important step toward building an academic portal. Although the general homepage finding tasks have been well studied (e.g., TREC-2001 Web Track), faculty homepage discovery has its own special characteristics and not much focused research has been conducted for this task. In this paper, we view faculty homepage discovery as text categorization problems by utilizing Yahoo BOSS API to generate a small list of high-quality candidate homepages. Because the labels of these pages are not independent, standard text categorization methods such as logistic regression, which classify each page separately, are not well suited for this task. By defining homepage dependence graph, we propose a conditional undirected graphical model to make joint predictions by capturing the dependence of the decisions on all the candidate pages. Three cases of dependencies among faculty candidate homepages are considered for constructing the graphical model. Our model utilizes a discriminative approach so that any informative features can be used conveniently. Learning and inference can be done relatively efficiently for the joint prediction model because the homepage dependence graphs resulting from the three cases of dependencies are not densely connected. An extensive set of experiments have been conducted on two testbeds to show the effectiveness of the proposed discriminative graphical model.
机译:教师主页的发现是迈向建立学术门户的重要一步。尽管已经对一般的主页查找任务进行了很好的研究(例如TREC-2001 Web Track),但是教师主页的查找具有其自身的特点,并且针对此任务没有进行过多的集中研究。在本文中,我们通过利用Yahoo BOSS API生成一小列高质量候选主页,将教师主页发现视为文本分类问题。由于这些页面的标签不是独立的,因此将各个页面分别分类的标准文本分类方法(例如逻辑回归)不适用于此任务。通过定义主页依赖性图,我们提出了一个条件无向图形模型,通过捕获所有候选页面上决策的依赖性来进行联合预测。考虑建立教师候选人主页之间的三种依赖性情况以构建图形模型。我们的模型采用判别方法,因此可以方便地使用任何信息功能。对于联合预测模型,学习和推理可以相对有效地完成,因为由三种依赖情况产生的主页依赖图没有紧密地联系在一起。在两个试验台上进行了广泛的实验,以证明所提出的区分图形模型的有效性。



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