首页> 外文期刊>Information economics and policy >Consumer uncertainty and price discrimination through online coupons: An empirical study of restaurants in Shanghai

Consumer uncertainty and price discrimination through online coupons: An empirical study of restaurants in Shanghai


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We use data from restaurants in Shanghai, China to conduct a new empirical analysis of prices and coupons. Our results show a positive relationship between prices and online coupons. Moreover, the price premium from couponing is higher for restaurants about which consumer values appear to be more uncertain. When consumer uncertainty is high, restaurants that offer coupons have an average price that is about 60 percent higher than similar restaurants that do not issue coupons. When uncertainty is low, restaurants that offer coupons have an average price that is about 10 percent higher. These findings are consistent with online couponing in the restaurant industry being used for price discrimination and as a promotional device in the presence of higher uncertainty in consumer valuations. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:我们使用来自中国上海饭店的数据对价格和优惠券进行了新的实证分析。我们的结果表明价格和在线优惠券之间存在正相关关系。此外,对于消费者价值似乎更加不确定的餐馆,优惠券产生的价格溢价更高。当消费者不确定性很高时,提供优惠券的餐厅的平均价格要比不发行优惠券的类似餐厅高出约60%。当不确定性很低时,提供优惠券的餐厅的平均价格大约高出10%。这些发现与餐饮业中的在线优惠券用于价格歧视以及在消费者估值存在较高不确定性的情况下用作促销手段是一致的。 (C)2015 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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