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Storytelling by the sales force and its effect on buyer-seller exchange


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Researchers in disciplines such as sociology, psychology, and management have widely recognized the power of stories. Storytelling research in marketing has been limited in its focus on advertising and branding. Less effort has been made to understand the role of stories in personal selling. The current study explores the role that storytelling plays in the exchange between salesperson and buyer. The authors use qualitative inquiry combined with extensive literature search to examine storytelling by salespeople. Ideas from the humanities, psychology, management, and marketing literature are juxtaposed with insights from depth interviews and field observations of 81 buyers and sellers. Based on these insights the authors identify core themes and a model for storytelling in sales, and point to managerial implications of storytelling. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc All rights reserved.
机译:社会学,心理学和管理学等学科的研究人员已广泛认识到故事的力量。市场营销中的叙事研究仅限于广告和品牌推广。在了解故事在个人销售中的作用方面付出了较少的努力。当前的研究探讨了故事讲述在销售人员和买方之间的交流中所扮演的角色。作者将定性查询与广泛的文献搜索相结合,以检查销售人员的讲故事。来自人文,心理学,管理学和市场营销文学的观点与来自81位买卖者的深度访谈和实地观察的见解并列。基于这些见解,作者确定了销售叙事的核心主题和模型,并指出了叙事的管理意义。 (C)2015 Elsevier Inc保留所有权利。



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