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Food sharing, redistribution, and waste reduction via mobile applications: A social network analysis


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Food sharing mobile applications are becoming increasingly popular, but little is known about the new social configurations of people using them, particularly those applications that use consumers as voluntary intermediaries in supply chains. This article presents a social network analysis of a food sharing mobile application conducted in partnership with OLIO. The study focuses on longitudinal social network data from 54,913 instances of food sharing between 9054 people and was collected over 10 months. The results challenge existing theories of food sharing (reciprocity, kin selection, tolerated scrounging, and costly signalling) as inadequate by showing that donor-recipient reciprocity and balance are rare, but also show that genuinely novel social relations have formed between organisations and consumers which depart from traditional linear supply chains. The findings have significant implications for managers and policymakers aiming to encourage, measure and understand technology-assisted food sharing practices.
机译:食品共享移动应用程序变得越来越受欢迎,但对使用它们的人的新社交配置知之甚少,特别是那些利用消费者作为供应链中的自愿中间人的应用程序。本文介绍了与Olio合作开展的食品共享移动应用程序的社交网络分析。该研究侧重于54,913人的纵向社交网络数据,从9054人之间分享到9054人之间,并收集超过10个月。结果挑战食品分享的现有理论(互惠性,亲属选择,容忍泄漏和昂贵的信令),通过表明捐助者 - 受援者互惠和平衡是罕见的,而且还表明在组织和消费者之间形成真正的新社会关系离开传统的线性供应链。该调查结果对管理人员和政策制定者来说具有显着影响,旨在鼓励,衡量和理解技术辅助食品分享做法。



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