首页> 外文期刊>Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on >Revisiting Bertin Matrices: New Interactions for Crafting Tabular Visualizations

Revisiting Bertin Matrices: New Interactions for Crafting Tabular Visualizations


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We present B, a web app for rapidly creating tabular visualizations from spreadsheets. B draws from Jacques Bertin's matrix analysis method, whose goal was to “simplify without destroying” by encoding cell values visually and grouping similar rows and columns. Although there were several attempts to bring this method to computers, no implementation exists today that is both exhaustive and accessible to a large audience. B remains faithful to Bertin's method while leveraging the power of today's interactive computers. Tables are formatted and manipulated through , a new interaction technique for rapidly applying operations on rows and columns. We also introduce , a semi-interactive reordering approach that lets users apply and tune automatic reordering algorithms in a WYSIWYG manner. Sessions with eight users from different backgrounds suggest that B has the potential to bring Bertin's method to a wider audience of both technical and non-technical users, and empower them with data analysis and communication tools that were so far only accessible to a handful of specialists.
机译:我们介绍了B,这是一个用于通过电子表格快速创建表格可视化效果的网络应用。 B借鉴了雅克·贝尔汀(Jacques Bertin)的矩阵分析方法,该方法的目标是通过可视化编码单元格值并将相似的行和列分组来“简化而不会破坏”。尽管曾尝试过将这种方法带入计算机的尝试,但如今还没有穷举且可供广大读者使用的实现方法。 B在利用当今交互式计算机的功能的同时,仍然忠于Bertin的方法。表格是通过格式化和操作的,这是一种新的交互技术,用于快速将操作应用于行和列。我们还介绍了一种半交互式重排序方法,该方法使用户可以以所见即所得的方式应用和调整自动重排序算法。与来自不同背景的八位用户进行的会议表明,B有潜力将Bertin的方法带给技术和非技术用户的更广泛的受众,并为他们提供迄今为止只有少数几个专家可以使用的数据分析和交流工具。 。



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