首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science >Radiation Tolerance of Fully-Depleted P-Channel CCDs Designed for the SNAP Satellite

Radiation Tolerance of Fully-Depleted P-Channel CCDs Designed for the SNAP Satellite


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Thick, fully depleted p-channel charge-coupled devices (CCDs) have been developed at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). These CCDs have several advantages over conventional thin, n-channel CCDs, including enhanced quantum efficiency and reduced fringing at near-infrared wavelengths and improved radiation tolerance. Here we report results from the irradiation of CCDs with 12.5 and 55 MeV protons at the LBNL 88-Inch Cyclotron and with 0.1–1 MeV electrons at the LBNL ${}^{60}$ Co source. These studies indicate that the LBNL CCDs perform well after irradiation, even in the parameters in which significant degradation is observed in other CCDs: charge transfer efficiency, dark current, and isolated hot pixels. Modeling the radiation exposure over a six-year mission lifetime with no annealing, we expect an increase in dark current of 20 e $^-$/pixel/hr, and a degradation of charge transfer efficiency in the parallel direction of $3 times 10^{-6}$ and $1 times 10^{-6}$ in the serial direction. The dark current is observed to improve with an annealing cycle, while the parallel CTE is relatively unaffected and the serial CTE is somewhat degraded. As expected, the radiation tolerance of the p-channel LBNL CCDs is significantly improved over the conventional n-channel CCDs that are currently employed in space-based telescopes such as the Hubble Space Telescope.
机译:劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室(LBNL)已开发出厚的,完全耗尽的p沟道电荷耦合器件(CCD)。与传统的薄型n通道CCD相比,这些CCD具有多个优势,包括增强的量子效率和减少的近红外波长边缘现象,并提高了辐射耐受性。在这里,我们报道了在LBNL 88英寸回旋加速器上用12.5和55 MeV质子和在LBNL $ {} ^ {60} $ Co源上用0.1–1 MeV电子辐照CCD的结果。这些研究表明,LBNL CCD辐照后性能良好,即使在其他CCD中观察到显着退化的参数中也是如此:电荷转移效率,暗电流和孤立的热像素。在没有退火的情况下对六年任务寿命内的辐射暴露进行建模,我们预计暗电流将增加20 e $ ^-$ / pixel / hr,并且平行方向上的电荷转移效率将降低3美元乘以10 ^ {-6} $和$ 1沿串行方向乘以10 ^ {-6} $。观察到暗电流随着退火循环而改善,而并行CTE相对不受影响,而串行CTE则有所降低。不出所料,与目前在诸如哈勃太空望远镜之类的天基望远镜中使用的常规n通道CCD相比,p通道LBNL CCD的辐射耐受性得到了显着提高。



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