首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Magnetics >Comparison of the Effect of Coil Configuration and the Variability of Anatomical Structure on Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

Comparison of the Effect of Coil Configuration and the Variability of Anatomical Structure on Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation


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Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive technique that uses transient magnetic field generated from electromagnetic coils in inducing electric field to stimulate the neurons of the brain. Various researchers have proposed coil designs for TMS aimed at achieving high focality and increased penetration depth of the induced electric field in the brain. In this article, the authors compare the figure of eight (FOE) coil, quadruple butterfly coil (QBC), and triple halo coil (THC) on different head models to confirm the effect of coil configuration on the induced electric field. Finite element simulations were conducted with Sim4life software to determine the maximum electric field intensity, E-Max (V/m) and the stimulated volume of the brain, V-Half ( $ext{m}^{3}$ ). The coils were positioned on the head model and at the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) location of the head model, and the E-Max and V-Half values were compared for the different head models to confirm the effect of coil configuration and the variability of the anatomical structure.
机译:经颅磁刺激(TMS)是一种非侵入性技术,其使用从电磁线圈产生的瞬态磁场诱导电场以刺激大脑的神经元。各种研究人员提出了用于TMS的线圈设计,旨在实现大脑中诱导电场的高分性和增加的渗透深度。在本文中,作者将八(敌人)线圈,四重蝴蝶线圈(QBC)和三重光环线圈(THC)的数字进行比较,以确认线圈配置对诱导电场的影响。用SIM4Life软件进行有限元模拟,以确定最大电场强度,E-MAX(v / m)和大脑的刺激体积,V-alive(<内联 - 公式XMLNS:MML =“http:// www .w3.org / 1998 / math / mathml“xmlns:xlink =”http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink“> $ text {m} ^ {3 $ )。线圈位于头部模型上,并在头部模型的背侧前额平面皮层(DLPFC)位置,并将E-MAX和V-ALB值与不同的头部模型进行比较,以确认线圈配置的效果和可变性解剖结构。



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