首页> 外文期刊>Information Forensics and Security, IEEE Transactions on >An Audio Watermark Designed for Efficient and Robust Resynchronization After Analog Playback

An Audio Watermark Designed for Efficient and Robust Resynchronization After Analog Playback


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We propose a spread spectrum (SS) audio watermark designed to withstand analog playback, including desynchronization caused by small differences between playback and recording rates. Desynchronization robustness relies on detecting short blocks of a magnitude-only watermark embedded in the frequency domain where the resolution of the SS chips can be reduced. Lost spreading gain due to the lower number of SS chips is compensated using blind dynamic time warping (DTW) detection (does not access original signal). DTW aligns sequences of blocks to improve robustness to interference while mitigating the vulnerabilities of long SS sequences to desynchronization. Results demonstrate that the proposed watermark survives analog playback and warping up to ±2%. Additionally, compared with a recent baseline scheme that uses brute force resampling to search for resynchronization, the proposed watermark is 300 times more computationally efficient, and does not compromise robustness to either desynchronization (e.g., jitter, resampling, time warping, frequency scaling) or non-desynchronizing modifications (e.g., AAC compression and additive noise).
机译:我们提出了一种扩展频谱(SS)音频水印,旨在承受模拟播放,包括由播放速率和录制速率之间的微小差异引起的不同步。去同步鲁棒性取决于检测嵌入在频域中的仅幅度的水印的短块,在该短块中可以降低SS芯片的分辨率。使用盲动态时间扭曲(DTW)检测(由于不访问原始信号)来补偿由于SS芯片数量较少而导致的扩展扩展增益损失。 DTW排列块序列以提高抗干扰能力,同时减轻长SS序列去同步的漏洞。结果表明,所提出的水印可在模拟播放中幸存下来,并且可变形达±2%。此外,与最近使用蛮力重采样来搜索重新同步的基线方案相比,拟议的水印在计算效率上提高了300倍,并且不会损害去同步(例如,抖动,重采样,时间扭曲,频率缩放)或非去同步修改(例如AAC压缩和附加噪声)。



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