首页> 外文期刊>IEEE transactions on evolutionary computation >A Vector Angle-Based Evolutionary Algorithm for Unconstrained Many-Objective Optimization

A Vector Angle-Based Evolutionary Algorithm for Unconstrained Many-Objective Optimization


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Taking both convergence and diversity into consideration, this paper suggests a vector angle-based evolutionary algorithm for unconstrained (with box constraints only) many-objective optimization problems. In the proposed algorithm, the maximum-vector-angle-first principle is used in the environmental selection to guarantee the wideness and uniformity of the solution set. With the help of the worse-elimination principle, worse solutions in terms of the convergence (measured by the sum of normalized objectives) are allowed to be conditionally replaced by other individuals. Therefore, the selection pressure toward the Pareto-optimal front is strengthened. The proposed method is compared with other four state-of-the-art many-objective evolutionary algorithms on a number of unconstrained test problems with up to 15 objectives. The experimental results have shown the competitiveness and effectiveness of our proposed algorithm in keeping a good balance between convergence and diversity. Furthermore, it was shown by the results on two problems from practice (with irregular Pareto fronts) that our method significantly outperforms its competitors in terms of both the convergence and diversity of the obtained solution sets. Notably, the new algorithm has the following good properties: 1) it is free from a set of supplied reference points or weight vectors; 2) it has less algorithmic parameters; and 3) the time complexity of the algorithm is low. Given both good performance and nice properties, the suggested algorithm could be an alternative tool when handling optimization problems with more than three objectives.
机译:考虑到收敛性和多样性,本文提出了一种基于矢量角度的进化算法,用于求解无约束(仅具有框约束)多目标优化问题。该算法在环境选择中采用了最大矢量角优先原则,以保证解集的宽度和均匀性。借助最差消除原则,允许其他人有条件地替换收敛性较差的解决方案(由归一化目标的总和衡量)。因此,朝向帕累托最优前沿的选择压力被增强。将所提出的方法与其他四个最新的多目标进化算法进行比较,以解决多达15个目标的许多无约束测试问题。实验结果表明,该算法在收敛性和多样性之间保持良好的平衡,具有竞争力和有效性。此外,实践中的两个问题(不规则的Pareto前沿)的结果表明,在所获得的解集的收敛性和多样性方面,我们的方法明显优于竞争对手。值得注意的是,新算法具有以下良好特性:1)它没有一组提供的参考点或权重矢量; 2)算法参数少; 3)算法的时间复杂度低。考虑到良好的性能和良好的属性,当处理具有三个以上目标的优化问题时,建议的算法可以作为替代工具。



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