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A Physical Hypothesis for Cole-Davidson Behavior


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It is well-known that for a polar dielectric liquid exhibiting a single relaxation time, graphs of the real and imaginary parts of the permittivity against the logarithm of frequency are of the hyperbolic tangent and hyperbolic secant type, respectively. This was first predicted by Debye, but it was pointed out later by Kenneth and Robert Cole that when ε" is plotted against ε' for such a liquid, with frequency as parameter, then a semicircle results. However, for many liquids these predictions are not fulfilled. Debye himself only expected them to apply for frequencies lower than the mid-frequency of the dispersion region, and then only for liquids consisting of a weak solution of polar molecules in a solvent consisting of non-polar molecules. In fact, his predictions do hold for some liquids not conforming to those restrictions. The restrictions were felt by Debye to be necessary because he ignored dipolar inertia in his calculations, and he also ignored dipole-dipole interactions. They will also be ignored in this paper. However, a wide range of polar liquids exhibit dielectric characteristics which are not in conformity with Debye behavior, and for which no generally acceptable physical reasons have been put forward. When ε" is plotted against ε', sometimes a skewed arc results, which at low frequencies is semi-circular, but at high frequencies approximates to a straight line. Various empirical equations have been formulated to give the variation of ε " with ε' as the frequency is varied, and these equations can in general be analyzed to give a distribution of relaxation times, rather than the single relaxation time of ideal Debye behavior. Nevertheless, the replacement of the geometrical description by an algebraic description of the behavior does not explain the basic physical reason giving rise to it. In this paper, the hypothesis is put forward that the physical causes giving rise to the observation of the skewed arc, in particular to Cole-Davidson behavior, are the temporal and spatial fluctuations continuously occurring in the liquid, which at the molecular level is subject to severe turbulence. A consequence is that at any instant some dipoles will be more able than others to exhibit oscillatory rotary motion, i.e. to vibrate, under the influence of an applied sinusoidal field, and so to execute oscillations of greater magnitude. Even though such dipoles may be very few in number, the effect of their large oscillations could be very significant. The magnitude of the dipole oscillations might be expected to be smoothly distributed over a wide range, but for this preliminary investigation the approximation has been made that the great majority of dipoles will have the small oscillation amplitudes predicted by earlier work, while a small proportion of dipoles will be free to execute much larger oscillations. It is shown that this crude assumption does predict the observation of a skewed arc quite similar qualitatively to the Cole-Davidson plot. It is intended to refine the analysis in order to find whether the Cole-Davidson plot can be predicted quantitatively on the basis of instantaneous inhomogeneities in the liquid structure.
机译:众所周知,对于具有单个弛豫时间的极性介电液体,介电常数的实部和虚部相对于频率对数的图分别是双曲正切和双曲正割类型。这是由德拜(Debye)首先预测的,但后来肯尼斯(Kenneth)和罗伯特·科尔(Robert Cole)指出,当针对这样的液体以频率作为参数将ε“相对于ε'绘制时,则得到半圆。 Debye本人只希望它们适用于低于分散区中频的频率,然后才适用于由极性分子在非极性分子组成的溶剂中的稀溶液组成的液体。预测确实对某些不符合这些限制的液体成立,德拜认为这些限制是必要的,因为他在计算中忽略了偶极惯性,并且也忽略了偶极-偶极相互作用,在本文中也将忽略它们。各种各样的极性液体表现出的介电特性与德拜行为不符,因此没有提出普遍可接受的物理原因。相对于ε',有时会产生偏圆弧,低频时为半圆形,而高频时近似为直线。公式化了各种经验方程,以给出随频率变化而ε“随着ε'的变化,通常可以对这些方程进行分析,以给出弛豫时间的分布,而不是理想德拜行为的单个弛豫时间。 ,用行为的代数描述代替几何描述并不能解释引起这种现象的基本物理原因,在本文中提出了这样的假设:物理原因导致了对倾斜弧的观察。特别是对于科尔-戴维森行为,是在液体中连续发生的时间和空间波动,在分子水平上会遭受严重的湍流,结果是,在任何时刻,某些偶极子将比其他偶极子更能表现出振荡旋转运动,即在施加的正弦波场的影响下振动,从而执行更大幅度的振荡。如果文件数量很少,则其大幅度振荡的影响可能非常显着。偶极子振荡的幅度可能会在很宽的范围内平稳分布,但是对于该初步研究,已经做出了近似的估计,即大多数偶极子将具有较早工作预测的较小的振荡幅度,而一小部分偶极子将自由执行更大的振荡。结果表明,这种粗略的假设确实可以定性地观察到与Cole-Davidson图非常相似的偏斜弧。旨在完善分析,以发现是否可以基于液体结构中的瞬时不均匀性来定量预测Cole-Davidson图。



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