首页> 外文期刊>IEEE journal of selected topics in quantum electronics >Continuous-wave low-threshold performance of 1.3-Μm InGaAs-GaAsquantum-dot lasers

Continuous-wave low-threshold performance of 1.3-Μm InGaAs-GaAsquantum-dot lasers


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The understanding of material quality and luminescencencharacteristics of InGaAs-GaAs quantum dots (QD's) is advancing rapidly.nIntense work in this area has been stimulated by the recentndemonstration of lasing from a QD active region at the technologicallynimportant 1.3-Μm wavelength from a GaAs-based heterostructure laser.nAlready, several groups have achieved low-threshold currents and currentndensities at room temperature from In(Ga)As QD active regions that emitnat or close to 1.3 Μm. In this paper, we discuss crystal growth, QDnemission efficiency, and low-threshold lasing characteristics forn1.3-Μm InGaAs-GaAs QD active regions grown using submonolayerndepositions of In, Ga, and As. Oxide-confinement is effective innobtaining a low-threshold current of 1.2 mA and threshold-currentndensity of 19 A/cm2 under continuous-wave (CW) roomntemperature (RT) operation. At 4 K, a remarkably low threshold-currentndensity of 6 A/cm2 is obtained
机译:对InGaAs-GaAs量子点(QD's)的材料质量和发光特性的理解正在迅速发展。n最近,从在技术上重要的1.3μm波长的基于GaAs的波长的QD有源区发射激光,激发了该领域的激烈工作。 n,已经有几个小组在室温下从发射或接近1.3微米的In(Ga)As QD有源区获得了低阈值电流和电流密度。在本文中,我们讨论了使用In,Ga和As亚单层沉积生长的n1.3-μmInGaAs-GaAs QD有源区的晶体生长,QD发射效率和低阈值激光特性。在连续波(CW)室温(RT)操作下,氧化物限制有效地实现了1.2 mA的低阈值电流和19 A / cm2的阈值电流密度。在4 K时,获得非常低的6 A / cm2阈值电流密度



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