首页> 外文期刊>Networking, IEEE/ACM Transactions on >On Routing and Transmission-Range Determination of Multi-Bit-Rate Signals Over Mixed-Line-Rate WDM Optical Networks for Carrier Ethernet

On Routing and Transmission-Range Determination of Multi-Bit-Rate Signals Over Mixed-Line-Rate WDM Optical Networks for Carrier Ethernet


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Ethernet's success in local area networks (LANs) is fueling the efforts to extend its reach to cover metro and long-haul networks. This new Ethernet is refereed to as Carrier Ethernet. Among the various transport infrastructures for realizing Carrier Ethernet, wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) optical network is a strong candidate for this purpose. Optical transmission rates per channel are increasing from 10 to 40 Gb/s and even 100 Gb/s, and they can also coexist in the same fiber. Along with the flexibility associated with such a network with mixed-line rates (MLR), signal-related constraints at high rates become a challenge for cost-efficient routing. Among these issues is the maximum nonregenerated optical distance that a signal can travel before its quality degrades or maximum transmission range (TR). TR is rate-dependent: The higher the rate, the shorter the range. While high-rate pipes may require signal regeneration to restore the signal's quality, they support more traffic and, hence, can save resources. We study the problem of cost-efficient routing of multi-bit-rate (1/10/40/100 Gb/s) Ethernet tunnels using MLR over a carrier's WDM optical network with signal-transmission-range constraints. We studied the effect of TR for mixed-rate signals (10/40/100 Gb/s) on the network's cost to determine the optimal TR of each bit rate. We present an analytical model based on a mixed-integer linear program (MILP) to determine the optimal TR of a small network. Since MILP has scalability constraints that makes it hard or sometimes impossible to solve for real network topologies, we propose a graph-based solution that constructs a mixed-line-rate auxiliary (MLR-AUX) graph to capture the network's heterogeneity and a weight-assignment approach that allows the routing to be cost-efficient. Our algorithms were tested on a U.S. nationwide network topology. We found that it is possible to reduce the network's cost by using short TR and that the optimal TR depends -n-nstrongly on traffic characteristics and on the TR values of different bit-rate signals.
机译:以太网在局域网(LAN)中的成功推动了将其覆盖范围扩展到城域网和长途网络的努力。此新以太网称为运营商以太网。在用于实现电信级以太网的各种传输基础架构中,波分复用(WDM)光网络是实现此目的的强有力的选择。每个通道的光传输速率从10 Gb / s增加到40 Gb / s,甚至增加到100 Gb / s,它们也可以共存于同一根光纤中。除了与这种具有混合线路速率(MLR)的网络相关联的灵活性之外,高速率下与信号相关的约束也成为经济高效路由的挑战。这些问题包括信号质量下降或最大传输范围(TR)之前信号可以传播的最大非再生光学距离。 TR取决于速率:速率越高,范围越短。高速率管道可能需要信号再生来恢复信号质量,但它们支持更多流量,因此可以节省资源。我们研究了在具有信号传输范围约束的运营商WDM光网络上使用MLR的多比特率(1/10/40/100 Gb / s)以太网隧道的经济高效路由问题。我们研究了混合速率信号(10/40/100 Gb / s)的TR对网络成本的影响,以确定每个比特率的最佳TR。我们提出了一种基于混合整数线性程序(MILP)的分析模型,以确定小型网络的最佳TR。由于MILP具有可伸缩性限制,因此很难或有时甚至无法解决实际的网络拓扑,因此我们提出了一种基于图的解决方案,该解决方案构造了混合线速辅助(MLR-AUX)图以捕获网络的异构性和权重。分配方法,使路由具有成本效益。我们的算法已在美国全国范围的网络拓扑上进行了测试。我们发现,通过使用短TR可以降低网络成本,并且最优TR几乎不依赖于流量特性和不同比特率信号的TR值。



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