首页> 外文期刊>ICES Journal of Marine Science >Growth of Mytilus galloprovincialis after the Prestige oil spill

Growth of Mytilus galloprovincialis after the Prestige oil spill


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Growth of mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis using raft culture was investigated for the first cultured generation following the Prestige oil spill off northwestern Spain. Seed from three natural populations along the Galician coastline, Pindo, Miranda, and Redes, was transplanted to a raft culture system in Ria de Ares-Betanzos. The physiological and biochemical status of mussels at the onset of culture and the degree of oil exposure three months after the spill (February 2003) have been described already, but here growth patterns of three populations sampled monthly from seeding to thinning-out (March/August 2003) and from thinning-out to harvest (August 2003/February 2004) were assessed. Mussels from Pindo (the area most affected by the oil spill) showed significantly less growth by weight than the other populations, resulting in a lower yield at harvest. The percentage of mussels classified as "large" in the Pindo population at harvest was also significantly less than that of the other two mussel populations.
机译:在西班牙西北部的Prestige溢油事故之后,已经研究了筏式养殖贻贝的生长,这是第一代养殖的贻贝。来自加利西亚海岸线上的三个自然种群Pindo,Miranda和Redes的种子被移植到Ria de Ares-Betanzos的筏式养殖系统中。贻贝在养殖开始时的生理生化状况以及溢油后三个月(2003年2月)的油暴露程度已得到描述,但是这里从播种到稀疏的三个月中,每个种群的生长方式(3月/评估了从稀疏到收获(2003年8月/ 2004年2月)的时间。来自Pindo(受漏油影响最严重的地区)的贻贝的体重增长明显低于其他种群,导致收获时的单产较低。在平多种群中,收获时被归类为“大”的贻贝的百分比也大大低于其他两个贻贝种群。



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