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German Utility Sees 2,000 Mw Of Hydro In Bosnia


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German utility group RWE AG expressed interest in investing more than 1 billion euros (US$1.27 billion) in the energy sector of Bosnia's Serb region, including development of hydropower projects. The RWE management and the government of Bosnia's autonomous Bosnian Serb republic, Republika Srpska, discussed the possibilities of cooperation in the construction of hydropower plants in the region, which makes up Bosnia along with the Muslim-Croat federation. RWE estimated about 2,000 MW could be produced by construction of hydropower plants on the Drina and Trebisnjica rivers in the east and on the Vrbas River in the west of the region. "We see the Serb republic as the growing market in the future and we want to contribute to the development and building of infrastructure, especially in domain of power supplies," Gerd Jaeger, a member of the RWE Executive Board, said in Banja Luka.
机译:德国公用事业集团RWE AG表示有兴趣在波斯尼亚塞族地区的能源领域投资超过10亿欧元(12.7亿美元),包括开发水电项目。 RWE管理层和波斯尼亚塞族共和国自治共和国斯普斯卡共和国政府讨论了在该地区建设水力发电厂方面进行合作的可能性,该水力发电厂与波斯尼亚和克罗地亚联邦一起组成了波斯尼亚。 RWE估计,通过在该地区东部的德里纳河和特雷比尼奇卡河以及该地区西部的Vrbas河上建设水力发电厂,可以生产约2,000兆瓦。 RWE执行委员会成员Gerd Jaeger在Banja Luka表示:“我们认为塞族共和国是未来增长中的市场,我们希望为基础设施的发展和建设做出贡献,尤其是在电源领域。”



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