首页> 外文期刊>Human resource management journal >Socialising employees' trust in the organisation: an exploration of apprentices' socialisation in two highly trusted companies

Socialising employees' trust in the organisation: an exploration of apprentices' socialisation in two highly trusted companies


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We present here our investigation into how corporate employers deliberately seek to foster and build employees' trust in the organisation through socialisation tactics. Interestingly enough, such deliberate development of employees' trust in the organisation has hitherto rarely been addressed in academic research. Using qualitative case study research methods, we have closely observed the trust socialisation process experienced by entrant employees, namely apprentices in two separate and highly trusted German companies. Our findings are consistent with former trust socialisation research in that they indicate the importance of high levels of perceived organisational support and of a convincing communication of organisational values and principles. However, our research emphasises further aspects of trust socialisation, such as psychological empowerment, the efficacy of formal organisational rules and especially sensegiving activities.


  • 来源
    《Human resource management journal》 |2012年第4期|343-359|共17页
  • 作者单位

    Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, University of Kassel, Diagonale 12, 34127 Kassel, Germany;

    Institute for Vocational Education and Training, University of Kassel;

    Institute for Psychology, University of Kassel;

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