首页> 外文期刊>Human Reproduction >Successful monozygotic twin delivery following in vitro maturation of oocytes retrieved from a woman with polycystic ovary syndrome: Case Report

Successful monozygotic twin delivery following in vitro maturation of oocytes retrieved from a woman with polycystic ovary syndrome: Case Report


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The incidence of monozygotic twinning (MZT) appears to be increasing within the field of assisted reproductive technology (ART), although the factors contributing to the phenomenon are still far from being identified. On the contrary, in vitro maturation (IVM) of oocytes is becoming more accepted and more and more babies have been born worldwide using this procedure. Assessing its safety and impact on monozygotic twinning (MZT), and following up the health of these babies, is essential. We report here a first case of successful monozygotic (MZ) twin delivery following IVM. The patient was a 28-year-old Japanese female, referred to the IVF clinic for primary infertility. Several previous cycles of ovarian stimulation had resulted in ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). The patient received norethisterone–mestranol to initiate the menstruation, and oocyte retrieval was performed 36 h after hCG. A total of 22 immature oocytes were obtained. Following incubation for 24 h in IVM medium, 50% of the oocytes were matured to the metaphase II (MII) stage. Nine oocytes were fertilized after ICSI with the husband’s sperm. Three day 3 embryos were transferred into the uterus on the fourth day following oocyte retrieval. Three weeks after embryo transfer, a single gestational sac was visualized in the uterus. At 7 weeks of gestation, two fetal poles with cardiac activity were seen in the single gestational sac. Serial ultrasound examinations revealed a MZ, monochorionic diamniotic pregnancy. After intensive perinatal monitoring, two healthy male infants were delivered by Caesarean section at 35 weeks of gestation.
机译:在辅助生殖技术(ART)领域,单卵双胞胎(MZT)的发病率似乎正在增加,尽管导致这种现象的因素仍很遥远。相反,卵母细胞的体外成熟(IVM)正变得越来越被接受,并且全世界越来越多的婴儿使用这种方法出生。评估其安全性和对单卵双胞胎(MZT)的影响,并跟踪这些婴儿的健康状况至关重要。我们在这里报告IVM后成功的单卵(MZ)双胞胎交付的第一例。该患者是一名28岁的日本女性,因原发性不孕症被转诊至IVF诊所。先前的几个卵巢刺激周期都导致了卵巢过度刺激综合征(OHSS)。患者接受炔诺酮-雌二醇启动月经,hCG后36 h进行卵母细胞取出。总共获得22个未成熟的卵母细胞。在IVM培养基中孵育24小时后,有50%的卵母细胞成熟至中期II(MII)阶段。 ICSI后,有9个卵母细胞与丈夫的精子一起受精。在卵母细胞取出后的第四天,将三天三的胚胎转移到子宫中。胚胎移植三周后,子宫内可见单个妊娠囊。妊娠7周时,在单个妊娠囊中观察到两个具有心脏活动的胎儿极点。连续超声检查显示MZ,单绒毛膜羊膜炎妊娠。经过严格的围产期监测,在妊娠35周时通过剖腹产分娩了两名健康的男婴。



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