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Yves Delorme on the Move

机译:伊夫·德洛姆(Yves Delorme)

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Groupe Fremaux Delorme, parent of Yves Delorme, announced its acquisition of Swiss luxury linens brand Christian Fischbacher Bed & Bath - which Groupe Fremaux Delorme describes as "the Swiss reference in the domain of luxury home linens." Groupe Fremaux Delorme will only be buying the bedding and bath part of the Fischbacher business, which has been under ownership by the same family for 200 years. The deal does not include Fischbacher's fabric, wallpaper and floor covering business. Terms of the deal were not disclosed. Christian Fischbacher is headquartered in St. Gall, Switzerland, a city with a textiles legacy that dates back to the 13th century. Its bedding and bath have a strong presence in the German, Swiss and Austrian markets, which Groupe Fremaux Delorme said "enhances its market leadership in Europe in order to continue to best serve [our] clients." Groupe Fremaux Delorme added: "The brand's products, designed with passion and extreme care for detail, are composed of fabrics of superior quality within the dynamic of constant innovation and creativity." Christian Fischbacher joins Groupe Fremaux Delorme's growing international portfolio of upstairs home linens brands. Others include: Yves Delorme; the up-market family-oriented Olivier Desforges; Ralph Lauren Home; Kenzo Maison; Sonia Rykiel Maison; and Hugo Boss Home.
机译:Yves Delorme的母公司Groupe Fremaux Delorme宣布收购瑞士豪华亚麻品牌Christian Fischbacher Bed&Bath,Groupe Fremaux Delorme将其描述为“瑞士在豪华家用亚麻布领域的参考。” Groupe Fremaux Delorme仅将收购Fischbacher业务的床上用品和浴室部分,该业务由同一家族拥有200年。该交易不包括Fischbacher的面料,墙纸和地板业务。该交易的条款没有披露。 Christian Fischbacher的总部位于瑞士圣加尔(St. Gall),这座城市拥有可追溯到13世纪的纺织品遗产。它的床上用品和浴室在德国,瑞士和奥地利市场都有很强的市场占有率,Groupe Fremaux Delorme说:“增强了在欧洲的市场领导地位,以便继续为我们的客户提供最佳服务。” Groupe Fremaux Delorme补充说: “该品牌的产品以热情和对细节的极致关怀而设计,在不断创新和创造的动力下,由高品质的面料组成。” Christian Fischbacher加入了Groupe Fremaux Delorme不断增长的国际上层家用亚麻布品牌组合。其他包括:Yves Delorme;面向家庭的高端市场的Olivier Desforges;拉尔夫·劳伦(Ralph Lauren) Kenzo Maison;索尼娅·雷基尔·梅森(Sonia Rykiel Maison);和雨果·博斯的家。



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