首页> 外文期刊>Historical Records of Australian Science >Regional Botany in Mid-nineteenth-century Australia: Mueller's Murray River Collecting Network

Regional Botany in Mid-nineteenth-century Australia: Mueller's Murray River Collecting Network


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The Murray-Darling Basin provided Ferdinandrnvon Mueller with extensive environsrnfor collecting plants and seeds during his 49-rnyear residence in Australia (fig. 1). Mueller'srnown Murray River collecting expedition inrn1853 provided much new material for thernNational Herbarium of Victoria. This builtrnupon his earlier collections of Lower Murrayrnplants compiled during a brief residence inrnSouth Australia in the years 1847-52. Mueller'srnMurray River collection was augmentedrnby many donations of plants, seeds and driedrnspecimens over the following decades. Thernextent of his Murray and Darling River collectingrnnetwork has largely remained buriedrnin his correspondence and Annual Reports.rnThis paper demonstrates the importance ofrnthe inland river system and the incipientrnriver trade to mid-nineteenth-century botanicalrnscience. By focusing on the botanicalrnefforts of a small number of Murray Riverrnresidents and travellers (fig. 2), it also showsrnthat, despite making only one major expeditionrnto this region, Mueller managed withinrnhis first decade as Victoria's GovernmentrnBotanist to tap the botanical riches of thernMurray-Darling Basin.
机译:默里-达令盆地在费迪南德·冯·穆勒(Ferdinandrnvon Mueller)在澳大利亚居住49年之际为其提供了收集植物和种子的广阔环境(图1)。 1853年穆勒(Mueller)的默里河(Murray River)收集探险队为维多利亚国家植物标本馆提供了许多新材料。这是他在1847-52年间在南澳大利亚短暂住所期间整理的早期的Murrayrnplants早期收藏的基础。穆勒(Mueller)的墨累河(Murray River)藏品在随后的几十年中得到了许多植物,种子和干燥标本的捐赠。他的墨累和达令河收集网络的规模在他的书信和年度报告中基本上被掩埋了。本文证明了内陆河流系统和早期河流贸易对19世纪中叶植物学的重要性。通过着眼于少数默里河居民和旅行者的植物努力(图2),这也表明,尽管穆勒仅对该地区进行了一次重大考察,但穆勒还是在维多利亚州政府植物学家的头十年内设法利用了恩里·穆雷达令的植物资源盆地。



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