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Primare CD35/I35 Prisma

机译:主CD35 / I35棱镜

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With its two Wi-Fi aerials protruding from behind, allied to the skinny front control knobs, swish brushed aluminium fascia and three 'podular' feet, there's something very Jetsons about the look of the Primare 135 Prisma network-ready amplifier. It has the appearance -perhaps unintentionally - of a cutting-edge piece of technology from the late 1950s, a time of dramatic change as the world entered the Space Age. You can just picture yourself with it in a bijou 'mid-century' Californian bachelor pad, playing 'Telstar'. Okay, perhaps this is going just a little too far - but it is interesting that this £4099 integrated amplifier and its matching £2849 CD35 Prisma silver disc spinner both evoke such a mood. Refreshing when much of today's hi-fi is aesthetically bland, devoid of creativity or style...
机译:它的两个Wi-Fi天线从后面伸出,与纤细的前控制旋钮,光滑的拉丝铝制面板和三个“竖”脚相连,这使Primare 135 Prisma网络就绪放大器的外观看起来非常像Jetsons。它具有(可能是无意间)自1950年代后期开始出现的尖端技术,这是一个随着世界进入太空时代而发生巨大变化的时代。您可以在比丘(bijou)“本世纪中叶”的加利福尼亚单身汉中扮演“ Telstar”,为自己构想。好的,也许这只是有点过头了-但有趣的是,这款售价4099英镑的集成放大器及其配套的售价2849英镑的CD35 Prisma银碟旋转器都令人回味。当当今的高保真音响在美学上乏味,缺乏创造力或风格时,就会刷新……



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