首页> 外文期刊>Healthcare Technology Letters >Multistage decision-based heart sound delineation method for automated analysis of heart sounds and murmurs

Multistage decision-based heart sound delineation method for automated analysis of heart sounds and murmurs


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A robust multistage decision-based heart sound delineation (MDHSD) method is presented for automatically determining the boundaries and peaks of heart sounds (S1, S2, S3, and S4), systolic, and diastolic murmurs (early, mid, and late) and high-pitched sounds (HPSs) of the phonocardiogram (PCG) signal. The proposed MDHSD method consists of the Gaussian kernels based signal decomposition (GSDs) and multistage decision-based delineation (MDBD). The GSD algorithm first removes the low-frequency (LF) artefacts and then decomposes the filtered signal into two subsignals: the LF sound part (S1, S2, S3, and S4) and the high-frequency sound part (murmurs and HPSs). The MDBD algorithm consists of absolute envelope extraction, adaptive thresholding, and fiducial point determination. The accuracy and robustness of the proposed method is evaluated using various types of normal and pathological PCG signals. Results show that the method achieves an average sensitivity of 98.22%, positive predictivity of 97.46%, and overall accuracy of 95.78%. The method yields maximum average delineation errors of 4.52 and 4.14 ms for determining the start-point and end-point of sounds. The proposed multistage delineation algorithm is capable of improving the delineation accuracy under time-varying amplitudes of heart sounds and various types of murmurs. The proposed method has significant potential applications in heart sounds and murmurs classification systems.
机译:提出了一种强大的基于决策的多阶段心音描绘(MDHSD)方法,用于自动确定心音(S1,S2,S3和S4),收缩期和舒张期杂音(早期,中期和晚期)的边界和峰值,以及心电图(PCG)信号的高音调(HPS)。提出的MDHSD方法由基于高斯核的信号分解(GSD)和基于多阶段决策的轮廓描述(MDBD)组成。 GSD算法首先去除低频(LF)伪像,然后将滤波后的信号分解为两个子信号:LF声音部分(S1,S2,S3和S4)和高频声音部分(杂音和HPSs)。 MDBD算法包括绝对包络提取,自适应阈值确定和基准点确定。使用各种类型的正常和病理PCG信号评估了所提出方法的准确性和鲁棒性。结果表明,该方法的平均灵敏度为98.22%,阳性预测率为97.46%,总准确度为95.78%。该方法产生最大平均轮廓误差为4.52和4.14 ms,以确定声音的起点和终点。提出的多阶段描绘算法能够在心音和各种杂音随时间变化的幅度下提高描绘精度。所提出的方法在心音和杂音分类系统中具有重要的潜在应用。



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