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The Social Functions of NIMBYism


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Opposition to new development is fraught with so many acronyms that you need a lexicon to decode them. The catchall term is NIMBYism, sufficiently well known to merit an entry in the Oxford English Dictionary, which identifies its first use in a 1980 Christian Science Monitor story. The term arose to describe opposition to large infrastructure projects undertaken by public agencies or utility companies, such as highways, nuclear power plants, waste disposal facilities, and prisons. (These are known as LULUs, Locally Undesirable Land Uses) It has now extended outward in concentric circles of opposition, each with its own acronym: NOTEs (Not Over There Either), NIABYs (Not In Anyone's Backyard), BANANAs (Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anyone!), and even NOPEs (Not On Planet Earth!). It is also possible to find references to CAVE people (Citizens Against Virtually Everything) and NIMTOOs (Not In My Term Of Office). In any event, opposition to development has long since entered its second phase, targeting not just LULUs, but also ordinary development projects. It is now a standard feature of the development landscape, a form of ritual performance art. As a citizen activist and author of a NIMBY handbook unapologetically observes, "Everyone is a NIMBY, and no one wants a LULU."
机译:反对新开发的首字母缩写词太多,您需要一个词典来对其进行解码。笼统的术语是NIMBYism,众所周知,它值得在牛津英语词典中找到一个条目,该词典确定了它在1980年《基督教科学箴言报》故事中的首次使用。出现该术语是为了表示反对公共机构或公用事业公司所进行的大型基础设施项目,例如高速公路,核电厂,废物处理设施和监狱。 (这些被称为LULU​​,是当地不希望的土地利用)。它现在已经在同心的反对派圈子中向外扩展,每个圈子都有自己的首字母缩写:NOTES(不在那儿),NIABY(不在任何人的后院),BANANA(绝对没建)甚至任何人附近!),甚至还有NOPE(不在地球上!)。还可以找到有关CAVE人员(几乎反对一切事物的公民)和NIMTOO(不是我的任期)的参考。无论如何,反对发展早就进入了第二阶段,不仅针对土地利用,土地利用的变化,而且也针对普通的发展项目。现在,它已成为发展景观的一种标准功能,是一种仪式表演艺术。正如一位公民活动家和《 NIMBY手册》的作者毫不犹豫地指出,“每个人都是一个NIMBY,没有人想要LULU。”



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