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Strengthening institutional-based trust for sustainable consumption: Lessons for smart disclosure


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Smart disclosure constitutes a form of open data policy that has the objective of promoting more sustainable economies and innovation by providing consumers with information to help them make better purchasing decisions. Trust in the information regarding product and certification is crucial for the adoption and usage of smart disclosure tools that make use of such information. In this paper, we investigate the determinants of trust in sustainable product information through a survey administered in Mexico and the United States. Our results suggest that information indicating brands and certificates reputation are important factors that encourage the development of trust. Our results also suggest that additional information to verify labels does not emerge as significant predictor to induce trust. We argue that to be useful, such information should be aggregated and presented to consumers in a simple way right at their fingertips. Finally, we found that information indicating support from government agencies and endorsement from non-for-profit organizations significantly influence consumer's trusting beliefs on sustainable practices information. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
机译:智能披露是一种开放数据政策,旨在通过向消费者提供信息来帮助他们做出更好的购买决策,从而促进更可持续的经济和创新。对有关产品和认证信息的信任对于采用和使用利用此类信息的智能披露工具至关重要。在本文中,我们通过在墨西哥和美国进行的调查研究了对可持续产品信息信任度的决定因素。我们的结果表明,表明品牌和证书声誉的信息是鼓励信任发展的重要因素。我们的研究结果还表明,用于验证标签的其他信息不会作为诱导信任的重要预测指标出现。我们认为,有用的是,应将此类信息汇总并以简单的方式将其呈现给消费者。最后,我们发现表明政府机构支持和非营利组织认可的信息极大地影响了消费者对可持续实践信息的信任信念。 (C)2016 Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。



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