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An Appeal for Targeted Regulatory Protection of Human Rights in the European Union's External Trade Relations in Light of Front Polisario


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Shrimp, cotton, cocoa. The US Department of Labor's list of goods believed to be produced by child or forced labour is long. It also acts as a chilling reminder that everyday products on the European market may have been produced under conditions representing severe human rights violations. In the United States, section 307 of the Tariff Act 1930 acts as a tool for customs to block the importation of certain goods produced under proved child or forced labour conditions. No equivalent exists in the European Union(EU). Yet, in light of the currently-pending appeal case of Front Polisario, the General Court and Advocate General Wathelet could have opened the door to requiring the Council of the EU to assess and ensure that the production of goods for export which enter the Union under a preferential trade arrangement comply with certain fundamental human rights. This note discusses the viability of that obligation and proposes making fundamental human rights indirectly enforceable abroad through a European equivalent of section 307.
机译:虾,棉花,可可。美国劳工部认为由童工或强迫劳动生产的商品清单很长。这也提醒人们,欧洲市场上的日常产品可能是在严重侵犯人权的条件下生产的。在美国,《 1930年关税法》第307条充当海关的工具,以阻止进口在经证明的童工或强迫劳动条件下生产的某些商品。欧盟(EU)中不存在等效的项目。但是,鉴于波利萨里奥阵线目前正在审理的上诉案件,普通法院和瓦特莱特总检察长本来可以要求欧盟理事会评估并确保根据优惠贸易安排符合某些基本人权。本说明讨论了这项义务的可行性,并建议通过与欧洲相同的第307条,在国外间接实施基本人权。



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